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It’s all about domains… Elias Rendón Benger (InterNetX)

Elias Rendon Benger was appointed CEO at InterNetX in 2023. He aims to guide InterNetX to be the innovation pacemaker and trusted advisor in the domain industry, solidifying its position as the domain business leader within the entire IONOS Group.
time to read icon 12 Min

InterNetX’s CEO sheds light on the technologies and trends poised to shape the domain industry of tomorrow. Prepare to be inspired!

Published by


Simone Catania



In a world where domains have become the cornerstone of digital identity for brands across the globe, it’s forward-thinking skills and leadership that redefine boundaries and ensure that businesses thrive in the evolving tapestry of the internet. Elias Rendón Benger is a prime example of such leadership, steering InterNetX towards new horizons of success and influence within the domain industry.

Elias’s academic background in business administration set a strong foundation for his impressive career path, one that has taken him across the globe as he delivered IT consultancy services to large enterprises in the financial services, automotive and telecommunications sectors. His aptitude for leadership was clear, as evidenced by numerous roles in product management at IONOS, where he honed his skills in global marketing and commercial management.

At InterNetX, he has placed a strong emphasis on domains as a tool for growth and internationalization, recognizing their intrinsic value and potential to empower businesses worldwide. Appointed CEO in 2023, Elias Rendón Benger now brings that same commitment and strategic insight to a broader stage, advocating for being the innovation pacemaker and trusted advisor in the domain industry and being the domain business leader for the whole IONOS Group.

Join Elias Rendón Benger in this interview, as he shares his valuable perspective on the future of domains and how InterNetX continues to shape the digital landscape for businesses around the globe.

Elias Rendon Berger was appointed CEO at InterNetX in 2023. He aims to guide InterNetX to be the innovation pacemaker and trusted advisor in the domain industry, solidifying its position as the domain business leader within the entire IONOS Group.

1 Since assuming the leadership at InterNetX, what are the core guiding principles and strategic advancements you’re implementing to propel the company into its next era of growth in the domain industry?

As the CEO of InterNetX today, I am honored to steer a domain industry pioneer into its next chapter.

The vision I share with my colleagues is to make InterNetX a pivotal domain hub, connecting our business partners under the IONOS roof on one side and our clients on the other. We’re on a mission to redefine the way businesses interact with domain services to stand as the leader in end-to-end domain solutions. At the same time, we’re cementing our position as the backbone of the IONOS Group‘s domain expertise, ensuring that our integrated management solutions are the benchmark in the industry.

At InterNetX, we see domains as vital assets. We’ve got a deep understanding of the market and the specific needs of enterprises, resellers and domain investors. We’re equipped with top-notch IT skills and the knowledge necessary to develop tailored solutions and offer unparalleled services. By leveraging our extensive TLD portfolio and innovative tools like AutoDNS, we aim to set new benchmarks in domain services. For example, we recently integrated direct access to the Sedo aftermarket into AutoDNS. This means users can now easily buy, sell, manage and monetize domains in one single platform.

InterNetX is dedicated to being the global domain specialist, offering more than just domain registration—our holistic approach includes hosting, security and tailored brand protection solutions, ensuring our partners excel through reliability, performance and true expert support in this digital age.

2 Diving into the complexities of the domain industry, what have been some of the most significant challenges and how have you addressed them?

I stepped into my role as InterNetX CEO aware of the global headwinds reshaping our sector and the economy. Each hurdle has pushed us to adapt and innovate to overcome these turbulent times.

In response to the challenges posed by recent global events, including war, geopolitical tensions, the energy crisis, and rising inflation, we’ve faced increased operational pressures. To navigate these hurdles, we’ve taken strategic steps. We’ve honed our resource management and enhanced our commitment to digital trust by focusing on even more secure digital services. This ensures that your data stays safe and your digital experiences remain smooth and uninterrupted, despite these challenges.

Transitioning to new working models post-pandemic holds challenges and opportunities alike. We embraced flexible working models, harnessing advanced collaborative technologies and flexible schedules to maintain productivity and employee satisfaction.

And then there’s the big game-changer: artificial intelligence (AI). This technology is transforming the domain industry, from predictive analytics in domain valuation to AI-driven security measures. At InterNetX, we recognize AI’s decisive role as a disruptive trend and are making it part of our DNA, compelling us to place it at the forefront of our discussions and explorations, like in our Global Domain Report 2024.

All of this in the framework of general market consolidation, crucial for enterprises, challenging SMEs to either scale or get left behind by the bigs of innovation and versatility. It’s a pivotal moment that calls for both a strategic rethink and a bold leap for those looking to thrive amidst these giants.

As the landscape changes, so do we. It’s important to view changes as catalysts for innovation and growth. This vision propels us forward, setting the tone for the domain industry’s future and for us as a business.

3 From your perspective, how has the domain industry evolved over the recent years and where do you see it heading?

It’s been a whirlwind of evolution and innovation. The domain industry has transitioned from its early, volatile ‘Wild West’ phase into a structured and mature market, forming the backbone of billion-dollar enterprises and innovative digital unicorns that are now “flirting” with blockchain technologies. It’s fascinating to see just how much has changed—and where we’re heading next.

The new gTLDs have been nothing short of a revolution, with new ones added to our TLD portfolio every year since 2016 and a whole new wave set to break with the 2026 new gTLD round. For those of us in the domain service business, this translates to a blend of partnership with registries and technical effort to ensure seamless integration for our users.

With the onset of COVID-19, the spotlight on security and brand protection intensified. As businesses rushed online, the digital space became crowded, turning domain security and protection against DNS abuse into top priorities. The pandemic taught us the critical importance of safeguarding our digital identities against a backdrop of rising cyber threats. This focus on security is a paradigm shift, ensuring businesses and individuals alike are better protected.

Global Domain Report 2024
Global Domain Report 2024

The domain aftermarket, too, has witnessed remarkable growth. It’s a vibrant marketplace, bustling with activity, where domains are bought and sold, often at premium prices. This aspect of the industry highlights the enduring value and demand for high-quality digital real estate—a trend that shows no signs of slowing down.

Amidst it all, regulations have tightened. The increased attention on privacy, data protection and cybersecurity with the NIS2 Directive having an impact on the domain industry has ushered in a wave of new policies. Compliance has become a key consideration for everyone in the domain space. These evolving regulations are a double-edged sword, bringing both challenges and a greater sense of accountability and trust in the digital world.

Looking ahead, it’s clear that the fusion of innovation, security and technology will continue to drive the domain industry forward. For those of us active in this industry and working with domains, these are indeed exciting times.

4 How is InterNetX gearing up for the NIS2 Directive, and what specific measures are being implemented in response?

There will be sweeping changes in the domain industry because of the NIS2 Directive. We are proactively undertaking comprehensive compliance and legal reviews to align our operations with the new requirements.

Our emphasis on enhancing risk management processes and data protection measures underscores our commitment to cybersecurity resilience. We’ve streamlined our incident reporting protocols to respond to any breaches, ensuring transparency and effectiveness. Importantly, we’re reinforcing collaboration with our TLD registries, sharing threat intelligence and best practices to bolster collective cyber defenses.

Our expertise in domain management equips us to navigate these challenges. SMEs and resellers that rely on InterNetX’s DNS and domain services can have peace of mind knowing that compliance with the latest regulations is handled by us.

With our active leadership in industry discussions about the NIS2 Directive, we’re at the forefront in ensuring that our clients can devote their attention wholly to their businesses, free from the complexities of regulatory adherence. We simplify compliance, managing all aspects on their behalf, so they can concentrate on what they do best—growing their venture in a secure digital space.

Download our e-paper “NIS2 Unraveling the Directive” to gain access to expert opinions, a compliance checklist and professional guidance.

5 With the anticipation of a new gTLD round, what opportunities and challenges do you foresee for InterNetX and the domain industry?

The new gTLD round 2026 is a big shift in the history of the domain industry that comes with great opportunities and significant challenges.

For businesses, it’s a golden opportunity to target a particular niche and offer domain names that resonate with their brand and values. For instance, the introduction of .xyz was initially met with skepticism, yet it has defied expectations to become the leading new gTLD worldwide. This diversification of choice breathes new life into the market, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Imagine a startup opting for a tech TLD like .tech to immediately convey its industry. Or an online shop choosing a .shop domain to increase its appeal. These examples showcase how businesses can leverage unique domain extensions to stand out in a crowded online space.

These are the most registered top 10 new gTLDs in 2024.
Top new gTLDs 2024.

However, a new set of new gTLDs heightens the competitive landscape. For businesses in the industry, staying ahead means providing the best value and service in a market that’s more crowded than ever. There’s also the issue of consumer confusion. With so many options, users may feel overwhelmed and unsure of which domain best suits their needs. Each new gTLD also opens another window for intellectual property concerns, demanding vigilance and strategic foresight to ensure brands are protected across all domains.

For a registrar like us, the technical implementation and administration of so many new gTLDs is no small feat. It’s a complex mix of updating systems, ensuring compatibility and maintaining seamless user experiences across all touchpoints.

As a registrar with over 25 years of experience, InterNetX makes sure that new gTLDs are integrated as smoothly and securely as possible. It’s a journey we embark upon with optimism and determination, since we are armed with the expertise and innovation that enables us to face this challenge.

6 What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make their mark as a domain reseller?

For entrepreneurs starting up in the domain reselling business, the journey can be rewarding and present unique complexities.

To effectively navigate the domain industry—a field characterized by ever-evolving trends and shifts—it’s imperative to chart the course with a keen eye and curiosity. Our Global Domain Report 2024, together with our rich content hub Snapshot, offers a solid foundation. It equips you with the foresight and expert tips needed to navigate the domain industry, giving you access to the latest data and know-how to maintain a competitive edge.

Establishing your niche is another important factor. . It’s about precision targeting, finding the unique intersection where your expertise meets demand and (why not) your passion. This specificity is what will set you apart in a crowded marketplace.

AutoDNS meets Sedo.
AutoDNS meets Sedo.

Partnering with a reliable registrar can make the difference, allowing you to focus more on the selling rather than setting up and maintaining your business solutions. With AutoDNS, your domain management becomes seamless, offering you an all-in-one platform that is both efficient and user-friendly. It lets you search, register, buy, sell, monetize and protect your domains. Support is a cornerstone of our offering. Exceptional customer service ensures you’re never navigating solo.

Last but not least, networking is the final piece of the puzzle. Engage, connect and grow within the community. This year in Frankfurt, we proudly organized the Domain Summit, bringing together key players of the domain industry to foster networking and knowledge exchange, highlighting our instrumental role in connecting the domain community.

For those poised to make their mark as domain resellers, the path is laden with opportunities. Our Reseller Program is crafted to arm you with an arsenal of tools, ensuring your journey is not just successful but also scalable.

7 How does InterNetX’s expertise in building partnerships elevate businesses within the domain industry?

Our role at InterNetX is rooted in fostering strong partnerships that elevate our position in the industry while also empowering the businesses we collaborate with. Leveraging our long-standing networking skills and an expansive network, we’ve maintained relationships with hundreds of TLD registries and industry partners.

This network allows us to engage in widespread joint marketing activities. For example, we collaborate with TLD registries to exchange valuable content and position them as leading voices in our Global Domain Report, amplifying their expertise and insights within the industry. The collaboration and support from Radix, Identity Digital,, and Sectigo were instrumental in realizing the Domain Summit 2024, an event that underpins our commitment to fostering connections and sharing knowledge within the domain industry.

Elias Rendón Berger, CEO InterNetX & Eric Reutemann, GM Frankfurt Galaxy.
Elias Rendón Berger, CEO InterNetX & Eric Reutemann, GM Frankfurt Galaxy.

A recent example of our innovative approach to partnerships is our collaboration with the American football team, Frankfurt Galaxy, supported by EURid. This partnership transcends the traditional boundaries of our industry, uniting the worlds of technology and sports, and showcases the expansive collaboration potential when diverse sectors align under a shared vision.

With these efforts I wanted to underscore our role in not only driving growth within our own company but also in fostering success for our partners and advancing the overall domain industry.