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Quantum readiness. For future-proof security.

Quantum readiness for future-proof security
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DigiCert establishes World Quantum Readiness Day, highlighting the critical need to ready security systems for quantum-safe computing.

Published by


Natalie Berrisford



It’s not a question of if, but rather of when. While quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize industries through enhanced computational power, it also poses a major threat to current cryptographic standards. Digital safety authorities continue to issue warnings that existing algorithms could be compromised, urging organizations to evaluate their systems for quantum readiness.

Cybersecurity organizations, like our premium CA partner DigiCert, are leading the way in creating awareness around the threat of quantum computing and working hand-in-hand with leading digital safety authorities, such as NIST and IETF, to develop and incorporate new standards and algorithms that will ensure a smooth transition towards quantum-safe cryptography. DigiCert is hosting World Quantum Readiness Day to discuss future-proof security strategies for the quantum computing era.

What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing is an advanced area of computing technology that harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to solve complex problems much faster than traditional computers. Unlike classical computers, which use bits as the smallest unit of information represented either as a 0 or 1, quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits. These can exist simultaneously in multiple states (0 and 1). 

This ability for qubits to be in multiple states at once enables quantum computers to process a massive number of possibilities in a fraction of the time it takes conventional computers. This technology holds the potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, materials science and complex system simulation. Sustaining digital trust in the encryption evolution

Quantum computing presents a significant challenge to the field of encryption, radically altering the landscape of digital security as we know it. With its roots deeply embedded in the modern encryption debate, this security technology has evolved to protect sensitive data and ensure digital trust between businesses and their stakeholders. Thus, amidst rising security threats in the digital landscape, encryption is pivotal in ensuring trust with verification of identity and integrity. However, quantum computing threatens to disrupt this by potentially breaking current encryption algorithms, compromising the confidentiality and integrity of digital information. 

As we stand on the brink of this technological advancement, businesses must proactively look towards the future of encryption. It’s crucial to understand how quantum computing could undermine traditional cryptographic methods and to prepare for a quantum-secure world in which digital trust remains unbroken, safeguarding the integrity of business operations and sensitive data.

World Quantum Readiness Day by DigiCert

In order to grow and strengthen awareness about the need for security infrastructures to adapt to the challenges posed by quantum computing, DigiCert has announced the first-ever World Quantum Readiness Day. This inaugural event is taking place on September 26, 2024, and serves as a call to action for businesses and governments. It urges them to assess their preparedness for the upcoming quantum era and emphasizes the importance of adopting post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards which are continuously being developed and enhanced by institutions like NIST.

Preparing for the quantum future

In this regard, companies are strongly urged to review their cryptographic security, to identify any potential vulnerabilities and introduce measures to ready their systems. The following steps are currently recommended:

  • Create a quantum-readiness roadmap
  • Engage with technology vendors to discuss post-quantum roadmaps
  • Carry out an inventory to identify and understand the cryptographic systems and assets currently in use
  • Create migration plans that prioritize the transition of the most critical assets to PQC standards

Implementing these steps will allow organizations to accurately assess their degree of reliance on cryptographic systems and start preparing their migration efforts in order to ensure a smooth transition to the upcoming PQC standards.

Best practice for post-quantum computing

Best practiceDescription
Early adoption of PQCBegin integrating and testing PQC algorithms that are designed to be secure against quantum computing attacks.
Hybrid encryption systemsUse a combination of quantum-safe algorithms and current encryption methods to maximize security during the transition.
Regular security auditsConduct frequent and thorough security assessments to identify vulnerabilities and update cryptographic practices.
Invest in quantum key distribution (QKD)Explore and invest in QKD for ultra-secure communication channels, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics.
Educate and train staffProvide training for IT and cybersecurity teams on quantum risks and quantum-safe practices to foster a knowledgeable workforce.
Collaborate with quantum expertsEngage with the quantum research community and industry leaders e.g. at the World Quantum Readiness Day to stay informed about the latest developments in quantum security.
Data lifecycle managementAssess the sensitivity of data to determine the encryption needs and apply quantum-safe encryption where most critical.
Stay informed on standardsKeep up-to-date on the latest in quantum security standards and guidelines issued by organizations like NIST and learn more in our Snapshot section about encryption.
Implement agility in encryption practicesDevelop an adaptive security strategy that can quickly incorporate new quantum-resistant technologies as they emerge.
Secure key managementEnsure robust and secure management of encryption keys, adopting quantum-resistant methods for key generation and storage.

As a leading provider of domain, hosting and encryption solutions, InterNetX is committed to fulfilling the most stringent industry standards. Please contact your Partner Success Manager if you have any questions about our range of encryption solutions.

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